6 steps to find your calling, purpose of life, happiness

SUPL 003: 6 Steps To Find Your Calling – ست خطوات لتكتشف قدراتك و تعمل ما تحب


Are you struggling to make up your mind which career path you should be taking? Or maybe you feel unfulfilled in your current job and considering a career shift but you are not sure if this would be a wise move or not.

Career & business coach Reham Fouda, speaks about the 6 steps you could follow to find your calling and live your life to the fullest.

  1. Setting the intention:

⦁ You have to ask yourself what is your purpose in life?
⦁ You have to think about the change you want to have in your life and the contribution you wish to make in the              lives of people around you.
⦁ You need to ask yourself as well, are you happy doing what you are doing? Are you enjoying your life?

2. Know yourself:  

Creating self-awareness.

  • Personality: your personality type predicts your behavioral preferences at work and what is the right environment for you (Task oriented, people oriented, introvert or extrovert).
  • Talents (Adaptability, communication, developer, learner, ……etc.) and how could you use your talent to benefit your business.
  • Areas of development: what are the needed skills that I need to develop to ensure a high quality of business and what are the things that I need to delegate or hire someone to do it.And here comes a very common question; How can I recognize and be aware of my personality type, behavioral preferences, talents, and areas of development?
    One can figure out about his personality through:
    a) Deep explorations,
    b) Insights of the people around us
    c) Assessments:
    – DISC Profile (Free)
    VIA Character (Free)
    d) Coaching sessions or career counseling. Book your FREE discovery session with Reham.

Find Your Calling, Purpose, Life Goals


3. Blend your talents:

Instead of doing something that only takes advantage of one skill, create a mash-up of several things you do well. You’ll set yourself apart and feel more satisfied with what you’re doing.


4. Be Flexible:

Most of us choose our paths while being teenagers, As time passes, you might discover that you want to do something else, so it’s okay to change according to different aspects, might be discovering new talents, change your interest, the market demand, or any other reason.


5. Be the best version of yourself: 

The only person you have to compare yourself with is yourself, compare your yesterday with today, and put a target for a better tomorrow. It’s okay not to be the best but for sure there is something you are doing very well which would be your fingerprint, and it’s okay not to be perfect, the main importance is the progress.


6. Find a problem to solve or a value to add:

Being a solution of a problem or adding value to the community where you live, gives your life a meaning and purpose. The most important thing is to build a business, which is aligning my passion with the needs of the community I am living in. It’s not enough either to follow my passion regardless of the market needs or to follow the market needs regardless of my passion, interest, and the things I am good at.


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